Ayuda con unos scrpits


Miembro muy activo
Igual suena muy noobie pero he descargado unos scrpits y no se como usarlos. Si alguien me puede ayudar que me escriba por privado gracias


Paladín de Nodo
Jinete de Nodo
Burgués de Nodo
Scripts en qué sistema?
puedes pasarlos por aquí? copia y pega el código, no te vayas a destrozar el equipo cuando los ejecutes


Miembro muy activo


Paladín de Nodo
Jinete de Nodo
Burgués de Nodo
He descargado los scrpits de faucetcollector y no sé como usarlos.
Era para crear un post sobre ellos.
Os dejo un link de mega: https://mega.nz/file/e1UlQI4R#DpXVvoyqBZbB9njSkkDy-S5yhOJbK3sVm-lxUHtUwdo
chico, no voy a abrir ningún link en mega, si quieres compartir el código por aquí bien, te he preguntado que en qué sistema los quieres correr... paso tío, es que sois unos inútiles.

Me parece genial que quieras aprender a correr un script, para eso está el foro, para enseñar, pero si ni te esfuerzas en contestar a lo que te preguntan para poder ayudarte, para qué me voy a esforzar yo?

que te den por culo chaval, con las ganas te vas a quedar con esa actitud.
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Reacciones : kc4 y alquimista


Miembro muy activo
chico, no voy a abrir ningún link en mega, si quieres compartir el código por aquí bien, te he preguntado que en qué sistema los quieres correr... paso tío, es que sois unos inútiles.

Me parece genial que quieras aprender a correr un script, para eso está el foro, para enseñar, pero si ni te esfuerzas en contestar a lo que te preguntan para poder ayudarte, para qué me voy a esforzar yo?

que te den por culo chaval, con las ganas te vas a quedar con esa actitud.
Windows pero igual son para otro sistema operativo. Tienes razon. te pongo uno aqui
using System; using System.IO; using FaucetCollector.Script; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; //css_inc ShortLinkUtilities //css_ref FaucetCollector.Utilities //css_inc RecaptchaUtilities //css_inc AntiBotLinksUtility //css_ref ImageProcessing //css_ref ProcessingImagesUsingLockBits //css_inc GetestCaptcha public class addoge : FaucetScript { /// <summary> /// List of Settings that will be shown in the bot when selecting this Faucet in the bot. /// You can get the value the user entered with the methods: GetSetting("[Name of the FaucetSetting]"), GetBoolSetting and GetDateTimeSetting /// You can also create a new setting value using SetSetting("[Name you want to use]", "value") /// </summary> public override FaucetSettings Settings { get { return new FaucetSettings("https://Ad-Doge.com") { new FaucetSetting(){Name="Email",Display="UserName",Type=EditorType.TextBox,Required=true}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="Password",Display="Password",Type=EditorType.Password,Required=true}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="Label_1",Display="Recommended to set the 'Wait' General Setting, to 360min (every 3 hours - go to site to login to protect on your account)",Type=EditorType.Label,Default=false}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="StoreCookies",Display="StoreCookies - ON/OFF - Recommended to keep 'OFF' to not save Cookies - Because of a BUG issue on the site",Type=EditorType.CheckBox,Default=false}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="YouTubeClaim",Display="YouTubeClaim - wait 30sec between each video - claim unlimited - without captcha - note: the owner not give allways",Type=EditorType.CheckBox,Default=false}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="DailymotionClaim",Display="DailymotionClaim - wait 30sec between each video - claim unlimited - without captcha",Type=EditorType.CheckBox,Default=true}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="PTC_AutoSurf",Display="PTC_AutoSurf - wait 10sec between each AD - captcha available",Type=EditorType.CheckBox,Default=true}, new FaucetSetting(){Name="DailyBonus",Display="DailyBonus - after 10/15 actions - in each section (PTC ADS, OFFERWALLS, VIDEOS, SHORTLINKS, FAUCET, HCAPTCHA)",Type=EditorType.CheckBox,Default=true}, //insert user settings here //new FaucetSetting { // Name = "Name of your setting", // Display = "Display shown in Faucet Collector", // Type = EditorType.TextBox | EditorType.Password | EditorType.CheckBox | EditorType.Wallet | EditorType.Numeric | EditorType.ComboBox | EditorType.CheckComboBox, // Required = true | false, // Default = "Optionally a default value" | true | false | null. // Items = new List<string> { "item1", "item2" } (only valid for ComboBox or CheckComboBox) //} }; } } //My DomainName //string DomainName_String = "https://Ad-Doge.com"; //example - GoToUrl(DomainName_String); //==========// //============================================================// //the number of "successes" in the script - when are finished //============================================================// public override void Start() { ad=false; //Title that shows in the browser. Is used to identify and close popup windows Title = "Ad-DOGE"; //After we did try to claim on the faucet we search for these elements to determine if it was a success or a fail SuccessXPath = "//*"; //*[text()=''] FailXPath = "//*"; //*[text()=''] if (GetBoolSetting("StoreCookies")) { StoreCookies = true; //on } if (!GetBoolSetting("StoreCookies")) { StoreCookies = false; //off } //Let Faucet Collector start up everything base.Start(); } //============================================================// //the number of "successes" in the script - when are finished //============================================================// bool ad; public override int DoInit() { //Let Faucet Collector continue. return base.DoInit(); } //==================// //save Login Cookies //==================// public override bool IsLoggedIn() { //In this case we check for en element with the class "loggedIn" return ElementByXPath("//li[contains(@id,'Global_UserSettings')]") != null; //return true; } //==================// //save Login Cookies //==================// /// <summary> /// This method gets called if IsLoggedIn returned false, right before the DoLogin method is called. /// </summary> public override int BeforeLogin() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.BeforeLogin(); } //========// //DoLogin //========// public override int DoLogin() { var ExitButton = ElementByXPath ("//li[contains(@id,'Global_UserSettings')]"); //if i NOT Login - go to Login Page if (!IsVisible(ExitButton)) { GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/login.aspx"); Wait(); Wait(8); var Email_VAR = ElementByXPath("//input[contains(@id,'Username')]"); //if (IsVisible(Email_VAR)) //{ SetText(Email_VAR, GetSetting("Email")); //} Wait(3); var Password_VAR = ElementByXPath("//input[contains(@id,'Password')]"); if (IsVisible(Password_VAR)) { SetText(Password_VAR, GetPassword("Password")); } Wait(3); VisualCaptcha_Function(); //call Wait(3); var ButtonLog = ElementByXPath("//input[contains(@type,'submit')]"); if (IsVisible(ButtonLog)) { Click(ButtonLog); } Wait(); } // end ExitButton return base.DoLogin(); } //========// //DoLogin //========// //==========// //AfterLogin //=========// public override int AfterLogin() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.AfterLogin(); } //==========// //AfterLogin //=========// //=============// //GetFaucetWaitTime //=============// public override int GetFaucetWaitTime() { if(ad) { ad=false; //solve the problem in start - after he return to script again return GetWaitSetting(); } //end ad //let Faucet Collector continue. return base.GetFaucetWaitTime(); } //=============// //GetFaucetWaitTime //=============// public override int BeforeSolveCaptcha() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.BeforeSolveCaptcha(); } public override int DoSolveCaptcha() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.DoSolveCaptcha(); } public override int AfterSolveCaptcha() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.AfterSolveCaptcha(); } public override int BeforeSolveFaucet() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.BeforeSolveCaptcha(); } //=============// //DoSolveFaucet //=============// public override int DoSolveFaucet() { //=============// //YouTubeClaim //=============// if (GetBoolSetting("YouTubeClaim")) { GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/upgrade.aspx"); //to only open the menu in "Earn" section Wait(); Wait(3); var BalanceVAR = ElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(),'YouTube')]/span[contains(@class,'badge pull-right bg-green')]"); if (IsVisible(BalanceVAR)) { string BalanceSTRING = BalanceVAR.Text; int BalanceINT = Convert.ToInt32(BalanceSTRING); if (BalanceINT > 2) { var TimeToWaitForBreak_1 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(360); //main var TimeToWaitForBreak_2 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(65); //short while (true) { Title = "Ad-DOGE"; GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/earn/youtube.aspx"); Wait(); Wait(3); Log("YouTubeClaim - go to page"); var VideoCheck = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'video-main')]"); if (IsVisible(VideoCheck)) { Log("YouTubeClaim - here"); var Video_Click = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'video-main')]"); Click(Video_Click); Wait(6); var iframeMainTag = ElementByXPath("//iframe[contains(@id,'player')]") ; Driver.SwitchTo().Frame(iframeMainTag); //after active & switch to "iframe" var Video_inside_Click = ElementByXPath("//div[@class='ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay']//button"); Click(Video_inside_Click); Wait(1); Click(Video_inside_Click); //click again Wait(3); Driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); //go back to default content in <html> while (!IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]") )) { Log("YouTubeClaim - wait"); Wait(); if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_2) { Log("YouTubeClaim - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_2"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while if (IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]") )) { var SuccessCheck = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]"); Log(SuccessCheck.Text); ClaimSuccess(); } }// end VideoCheck if (!IsVisible(VideoCheck)) { Log("YouTubeClaim - break - not Available"); break; } if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_1) { Log("YouTubeClaim - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_1"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while true } // end BalanceINT - above 2 } // end BalanceVAR } //end YouTubeClaim //=============// //=============// //DailymotionClaim //=============// if (GetBoolSetting("DailymotionClaim")) { GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/upgrade.aspx"); //to only open the menu in "Earn" section Wait(); Wait(3); var BalanceVAR = ElementByXPath("//a[text()='Video ']/span[contains(@class,'badge pull-right bg-green')] | //a[text()='Video']/span[contains(@class,'badge pull-right bg-green')]"); if (IsVisible(BalanceVAR)) { string BalanceSTRING = BalanceVAR.Text; int BalanceINT = Convert.ToInt32(BalanceSTRING); if (BalanceINT > 2) { var TimeToWaitForBreak_1 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(360); //main var TimeToWaitForBreak_2 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(70); //short while (true) { Title = "Ad-DOGE"; GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/earn/video.aspx"); Wait(); Wait(3); Log("DailymotionClaim - go to page"); var VideoCheck = ElementByXPath("//a[text()='Video ']/span[contains(@class,'badge pull-right bg-green')] | //a[text()='Video']/span[contains(@class,'badge pull-right bg-green')]") ; if (IsVisible(VideoCheck)) { Log("DailymotionClaim - here"); var Video_Click = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'row')]//div[contains(@class,'col-md-3 image')] "); //Click(Video_Click); GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/earn/video.aspx?v=x7oivch"); //go to some random video ID Wait(5); var iframeMainTag = ElementByXPath("//iframe[contains(@id,'player')]") ; Driver.SwitchTo().Frame(iframeMainTag); //after active & switch to "iframe" var Video_inside_Click = ElementByXPath("//button[contains(@class,'ButtonPlayback')]"); Click(Video_inside_Click);//click only one Wait(2); Driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); //go back to default content in <html> while (!IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]") )) { Log("DailymotionClaim - wait"); Wait(); if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_2) { Log("DailymotionClaim - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_2"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while if (IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]") )) { var SuccessCheck = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'alert alert-success')]"); Log(SuccessCheck.Text); ClaimSuccess(); } }// end VideoCheck if (!IsVisible(VideoCheck)) { Log("DailymotionClaim - break - not Available"); break; } if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_1) { Log("DailymotionClaim - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_1"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while true } // end BalanceINT - above 2 } //end balance } //end DailymotionClaim //=============// //=============// //PTC_AutoSurf //=============// if (GetBoolSetting("PTC_AutoSurf")) { var TimeToWaitForBreak_1 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(360); //main var TimeToWaitForBreak_2 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(90); //short while (true) { Title = "Earn"; GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/earn/ads.aspx"); Wait(); Wait(3); Log("PTC_AutoSurf - go to page"); var ADCheck = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'AboxActive Ad image')]"); if (IsVisible(ADCheck)) { Driver.Navigate().Refresh(); //Refresh in each start Wait(2); Log("PTC_AutoSurf - here"); CheckForPopups(); //call CheckForPopupsEnabled = false; //disable Title = "Advertisement"; var AD_Click = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class,'AboxActive Ad image')]"); Click(AD_Click); Wait(2); Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles[1]); Wait(2); Title = "Advertisement"; var Watch_Button = ElementByXPath("//input[contains(@value,'Watch')]"); Click(Watch_Button);//click only one Wait(1); Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles[1]); Wait(15); while (!IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@id,'AfterCounterPanel')]") )) { VisualCaptcha_Function(); //call to solve Wait(3); var Send_Button = ElementByXPath("//input[contains(@value,'Send')]"); //if (IsVisible(ADCheck)) //{ Wait(2); Click(Send_Button);//click only one Log("PTC_AutoSurf - click Send"); Wait(4); //} if (IsVisible(ElementByXPath ("//div[contains(@id,'AfterCounterPanel')]") )) { var SuccessCheck = ElementByXPath("//div[contains(@id,'AfterCounterPanel')]"); Log(SuccessCheck.Text); ClaimSuccess(); Wait(4); Title = "Earn"; Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles[0]); CheckForPopupsEnabled = true; //enable break; //break the wait loop } if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_2) { Log("PTC_AutoSurf - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_2"); Wait(4); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while }// end ADCheck if (!IsVisible(ADCheck)) { Log("PTC_AutoSurf - break - not Available"); break; } if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak_1) { Log("PTC_AutoSurf - break - TimeToWaitForBreak_1"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while true } //end PTC_AutoSurf //=============// //=============// //DailyBonus //=============// if (GetBoolSetting("DailyBonus")) { GoToUrl("https://ad-doge.com/user/earn/dailybonus.aspx"); Wait(); Wait(3); Log("DailyBonus - go to page"); var DailyBonus_Check = ElementByXPath("//button[contains(@id,'DailyBonus') and @disabled]"); if (IsVisible(DailyBonus_Check)) { Log("DailyBonus - try next time"); } if (!IsVisible(DailyBonus_Check)) { var DailyBonus_Claim = ElementByXPath("//button[contains(@id,'DailyBonus')]"); Click(DailyBonus_Claim); Log("DailyBonus - Claim"); } } // end DailyBonus //=============// //ad = true; //call to timer / and do success //return GetWaitSetting(); return Time_Function(); //call to function time //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.DoSolveFaucet(); } public override int AfterSolveFaucet() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.AfterSolveFaucet(); } /// <summary> /// This method gets called in the end after the BeforeSolveFaucet/DoSolveFaucet and AfterSolveFaucet methods were done. /// The base.CheckFaucetResult will try to find a visible element on the page using the XPath from SuccessXPath and FailXPath (see the Start method) /// These properties should contain XPath expressions to find certain elements on the page. /// For example if it finds one of the elements from the SuccessXPath, and it is visible, then it will flag the claim attempt as a success. /// Or if it finds one of the elements from the FailXPath, and it is visible, then it will flag the claim attempt as a failure. /// </summary> public override int CheckFaucetResult() { //This faucet has nothing to do here. We will let Faucet Collector handle it. return base.CheckFaucetResult(); } //=================// //Time_Function //=================// public int Time_Function() { var MinVar = ElementByXPath("//article[contains(@class,'maincontent')]//span[2]/span[1]") ; var SecVar = ElementByXPath("//article[contains(@class,'maincontent')]//span[3]/span[1]") ; if (IsVisible(MinVar)) { Log("Time_Function - WaitTimerText apper - return to site time"); int min,sec; min = Convert.ToInt32(MinVar.Text.Trim().Replace("m.", "").Replace("s.", "").Split(' ')[0])*60; sec = Convert.ToInt32(SecVar.Text.Trim().Replace("m.", "").Replace("s.", "").Split(' ')[1]); return min+sec; } if (!IsVisible(MinVar)) { Log("Time_Function - return to your time"); return GetWaitSetting(); } return 0; }//end Time_Function //=================// //=================// //Recaptcha_Function //=================// public int Recaptcha_Function() { //DoSolveImageCaptcha var SolveMedia = ElementByXPath ("//img[contains(@id,'adcopy-puzzle-image-image')]"); if (IsVisible(SolveMedia)) { Log("DO SolveMedia"); var result_2 = DoSolveImageCaptcha(ElementByXPath("//img[contains(@id,'adcopy-puzzle-image-image')]"),ElementByXPath("//input[@name='adcopy_response']")); } //for recaptcha popup after click on button - ("//button[contains(@class,'reload')] | //button[contains(@id,'reload')] ") var RecaptchaOpen_Iframe = ElementByXPath ("//iframe[contains(@src,'recaptcha/api2/anchor')]"); if (IsVisible(RecaptchaOpen_Iframe)) { //SolveCaptcha if apper Log("DO Recaptcha"); var result = base.DoSolveCaptcha(); if (result > 0) { return Fail("Fail solving captcha"); } RecaptchaUtility utility = new RecaptchaUtility(this); utility.DoSolve(); } return 0; }//end Recaptcha_Function //=================// //=================// //VisualCaptcha_Function //=================// public int VisualCaptcha_Function() { if(IsVisible(ElementByXPath("//p[@class='visualCaptcha-explanation']//strong")) ) { bool captcha_solved = false; var TimeToWaitForBreak = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60); //short while ( !captcha_solved ) { var name_ = ElementByXPath("//p[@class='visualCaptcha-explanation']//strong"); captcha_solved=SolveVisualCaptcha(name_.Text); Log("SolveVisualCaptcha - solve"); Wait(2); if ( !captcha_solved ) { Log("SolveVisualCaptcha - refresh"); var refresh = ElementByXPath("//div[@class='visualCaptcha-refresh-button']"); //Click(refresh); Wait(2 , 3); } if (DateTime.Now > TimeToWaitForBreak) { Log("SolveVisualCaptcha - break - TimeToWaitForBreak"); break; //break the wait loop } } //end while }// end IsVisible return 0; }//end VisualCaptcha_Function //=================// //===========// //VisualCaptcha - Content PART 1 //===========// private bool SolveVisualCaptcha(string name) { var dir = AssetDir("Other"); dir += "\\VisualCaptchaPictures\\" + name + ".png"; try { Stream d = new FileStream(dir, FileMode.Open); Bitmap img_c = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(d)); d.Close(); var elements_ = ElementsByXPath("//img[contains(@id,'visualCaptcha-img')]"); List<Bitmap> Icons = new List<Bitmap>(); for (int i = 0; i < elements_.Count; i++) { var element = elements_[i]; Bitmap img_to_c = TakeScreenshot(Base.Captcha.CaptchaService.Manual, element); Icons.Add(img_to_c); } Wait(); int solution = -1; ImageProcessing.UsingPixelsPosition.CorrectImage CorrectImageSelector = new ImageProcessing.UsingPixelsPosition.CorrectImage(img_c, Icons); solution = CorrectImageSelector.solution; var solution_xpath = ElementByXPath("//img[@id='visualCaptcha-img-" + solution.ToString() + "']"); if (IsVisible(solution_xpath)) { Click(solution_xpath); Wait(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } return true; } //===========// //VisualCaptcha - Content PART 2 //===========// private int CompareImage(Bitmap image1, Bitmap image2) { int cont = 0; for (int i = 0; i < image1.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < image1.Width; j++) { if (image1.GetPixel(j, i) != image2.GetPixel(j, i)) { cont++; } } } return cont; } //================// } //public class