Cambio de @ en cuenta verificada [Twitter]

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(Aún no me ha dado tiempo a traducir el texto a castellano)
Price: $75

Succesful swaps: 7

Service info

You don't need OGE access.
I can only change your @ to a free one (not taken one), can't claim @'s.
I need full account and email access to do this.
There is always a probability that your account gets suspended or locked (if you have OGE this is not a problem).

Terms of service

I won't refund your money if your account gets suspended or locked.
I will refund your money if I am not able to change the @.
I only take bitcoin or ethereum.

Si necesitas comprar una verificada, contacta conmigo para comprarla.
Telegram @Riots | Osiris#4769 | Kik
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